The Collective

This is the opening of a new chapter. In so many ways, good has triumphed over evil, the light has begun to shine again in a very very dark place that seemed to have become the U.S. of America. The majority unequivocally rejects the hateful spite of Deceitful Traitor, but the minority had ruled, and only they liked it. However, with enmity and distaste for every democratic institution that had ever been created, the right wing nut jobs continue to assault our very nation. Systemic gerrymandering, that allow candidates to choose their voters rather than the voters being allowed to choose them. We are all watching very carefully what is being done by those who pray for Armageddon or are members of American ISIS. Religion has become, for self-proclaimed X-tians, nothing more than a cover for their shirking ways.

We must beseech those who have been taken in by the cult of personality, or Q bot technologies that have sold them a figmentary bill of goods, but we must also understand that some will never admit to making the whole charade up out of thin air. Their minds are so intransigently made up that they can never allow themselves to become self-reflective. In the words of James Baldwin, people cling to their hate so strongly because if they allowed themselves to feel love, they know on some level they would have to experience pain. It has become the ultimate ego defense mechanism, to the point of literally being weaponized. Until they get therapy or come to the realization that we are actually one, all human life is but one species that must work together lest we tear ourselves apart, there will be no end to the lies that people will be told.

Collectively, we will stand against insanity, the self righteous ramblings of a self-proclaimed king. That being said, and as many of my readers understand, I much prefer calling myself pro-sanity. I hate to ever take a stand against something, because it usually just gives that thing more power. I’m pro- rational thought, scientific method, the humanities and humanitarian efforts. I think we all agree that on a very basic level we all want the best for everyone. Only those who have swallowed the “competition” model of reality think that we are always in a battle for resources. Quite the opposite in nature, actual science proves that only by sharing resources and providing multiple layers of support for other communities, can organisms hope to become successful.

My collective, the environmental partners I have working for me are billions of organisms per teaspoon that thrive in the biochar that I create. Organic growers, even people who don’t even touch the Earth by way of growing gardens can invest in a kilogram of vitrified carbon that will be around for aeons. That is the basis of the biochar that I make, like billions of microbe condo complexes. I offer to make some of this material in your name if you wish. I only use it to make boutique biochars that respond to local soil needs of specific locations. I am willing to consult with anyone about soil tests and making biochar specific to your location. I want everyone to be supported by an intact ecosystem and health begins in the soil. At human scale, our friends, families and farmers that supply our food touch the Earth in ways that we may not even understand, but we can give back by sharing what we know about doubling crop production, reducing the need for fertilizer and irrigation by 30-50% or sequestering carbon in soil for periods of geologic time scale.

I have heard of buying a star for loved ones, but buying the basis of the healthiest soil on the planet? What is that worth?

About otherfishwrap

One of the last of the Baby Boomers, I remember where I was when JFK was shot. Good story. Born during the Cuban Missile Crisis, my life has been spent studying, practicing skills and attitudes that reflect justice and the sanctity of Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit. Trained as an educator, my life has been devoted to cultural development and social justice.
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